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통계프로그램 비교 시리즈/데이터 전처리 비교

통계프로그램 비교 시리즈 – [데이터 관리] 4. 다중 조건에 의한 변환

by 기서무나구물 2022. 1. 10.

포스팅 목차

    [데이터 관리] 4. 다중 조건에 의한 변환


    1. Proc SQL


    • case when문을 통하여 IF문을 대체한다. 단, 복합 조건에 대한 적용은 불가.
    SAS Programming
    proc sql;
      select id,
             case when gender='m' then (20*q1)+q2
             else (2*q1)+q2 end "score1",
             case when gender='m' then (30*q1)+q2
             else (3*q1)+q2 end "score2"
      from   back.mydata;


    id  workshop  gender          q1        q2        q3        q4    score1    score2
     1         1  f                1         1         5         1         3         4
     2         2  f                2         1         4         1         5         7
     3         1  f                2         2         4         3         6         8
     4         2  f                3         1         .         3         7        10
     5         1  m                4         5         2         4        85       125
     6         2  m                5         4         5         5       104       154
     7         1  m                5         3         4         4       103       153
     8         2  m                4         5         5         5        85       125


    2. SAS Programming

    • 다중 조건에 의한 변환을 위한 SAS 프로그램
    • 성별에 따른 스코어 1, 스코어 2 변수를 생성;
    SAS Programming
    DATA withmooc;
     SET  BACK.mydata;
          IF gender="m" THEN DO;
             score1 = (1.1*q1)+q2;
             score2 = (1.2*q1)+q2;
          ELSE IF gender="f" THEN DO;
             score1 = (2.1*q1)+q2;
             score2 = (2.2*q1)+q2;
    proc print;run;


    id    workshop		gender    q1    q2    q3    q4    score1    score2
     1        1		f        1     1     5     1      3.1       3.2
     2        2		f        2     1     4     1      5.2       5.4
     3        1		f        2     2     4     3      6.2       6.4
     4        2		f        3     1     .     3      7.3       7.6
     5        1		m        4     5     2     4      9.4       9.8
     6        2		m        5     4     5     5      9.5      10.0
     7        1		m        5     3     4     4      8.5       9.0
     8        2		m        4     5     5     5      9.4       9.8


    3. SPSS


    SPSS Programming
    DO IF (gender EQ 'm').
    +  COMPUTE score1 = (2*q1)+q2.
    +  COMPUTE score2 = (3*q1)+q2.
    ELSE IF (gender EQ 'f').
    +  COMPUTE  score1 = (20*q1)+q2.
    +  COMPUTE  score2 = (30*q1)+q2.
    END IF.


    4. R Programming (R-PROJECT)


    R Programming
    from rpy2.robjects import r
    %load_ext rpy2.ipython


    The rpy2.ipython extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
      %reload_ext rpy2.ipython



    R Programming
    withmooc = mydata
    attach(withmooc) # mydata를 기본 데이터 세트로 지정.


    R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from withmooc (pos = 3):
        gender, q1, q2, q3, q4, workshop
    R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from withmooc (pos = 4):
        gender, q1, q2, q3, q4, workshop
      workshop gender q1 q2 q3 q4
    1        1      f  1  1  5  1
    2        2      f  2  1  4  1
    3        1      f  2  2  4  3
    4        2      f  3  1 NA  3
    5        1      m  4  5  2  4
    6        2      m  5  4  5  5
    7        1      m  5  3  4  4
    8        2      m  4  5  5  5


    • cbind() 함수

    mydata에 두 개의 새로운 칼럼을 추가하기 위하여 column bind를 이용한다.

    R Programming
    withmooc <- cbind(withmooc, score1 = 0, score2 = 0)


      workshop gender q1 q2 q3 q4 score1 score2
    1        1      f  1  1  5  1      0      0
    2        2      f  2  1  4  1      0      0
    3        1      f  2  2  4  3      0      0
    4        2      f  3  1 NA  3      0      0
    5        1      m  4  5  2  4      0      0
    6        2      m  5  4  5  5      0      0
    7        1      m  5  3  4  4      0      0
    8        2      m  4  5  5  5      0      0



    R Programming
    withmooc$guys <- gender=="m" # 남성에 대하여 논리 벡터 생성.
    withmooc$gals <- gender=="f" # 여성에 대하여 논리 벡터 생성.


      workshop gender q1 q2 q3 q4 score1 score2  guys  gals
    1        1      f  1  1  5  1      0      0 FALSE  TRUE
    2        2      f  2  1  4  1      0      0 FALSE  TRUE
    3        1      f  2  2  4  3      0      0 FALSE  TRUE
    4        2      f  3  1 NA  3      0      0 FALSE  TRUE
    5        1      m  4  5  2  4      0      0  TRUE FALSE
    6        2      m  5  4  5  5      0      0  TRUE FALSE
    7        1      m  5  3  4  4      0      0  TRUE FALSE
    8        2      m  4  5  5  5      0      0  TRUE FALSE



    • 로직에 의해 선택된 그룹에 기본 공식 적용.
    R Programming
    withmooc$score1[gals]<- 2*q1[gals] + q2[gals]
    withmooc$score2[gals]<- 3*q1[gals] + q2[gals]
    withmooc$score1[guys]<-20*q1[guys] + q2[guys]
    withmooc$score2[guys]<-30*q1[guys] + q2[guys]


    R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from withmooc (pos = 3):
        gender, q1, q2, q3, q4, workshop
    R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from withmooc (pos = 4):
        gals, gender, guys, q1, q2, q3, q4, score1, score2, workshop
    R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from withmooc (pos = 5):
        gender, q1, q2, q3, q4, workshop
      workshop gender q1 q2 q3 q4 score1 score2  guys  gals
    1        1      f  1  1  5  1      3      4 FALSE  TRUE
    2        2      f  2  1  4  1      5      7 FALSE  TRUE
    3        1      f  2  2  4  3      6      8 FALSE  TRUE
    4        2      f  3  1 NA  3      7     10 FALSE  TRUE
    5        1      m  4  5  2  4     85    125  TRUE FALSE
    6        2      m  5  4  5  5    104    154  TRUE FALSE
    7        1      m  5  3  4  4    103    153  TRUE FALSE
    8        2      m  4  5  5  5     85    125  TRUE FALSE



    • IFELSE함수를 사용하여 위 로직 적용.
    R Programming
                            2*q1*withmooc$gals  + q2*withmooc$gals,
                            20*q1*withmooc$guys + q2*withmooc$guys)
                            3*q1*withmooc$gals  + q2*withmooc$gals,
                            30*q1*withmooc$guys + q2*withmooc$guys)


      workshop gender q1 q2 q3 q4 score1 score2  guys  gals
    1        1      f  1  1  5  1      3      4 FALSE  TRUE
    2        2      f  2  1  4  1      5      7 FALSE  TRUE
    3        1      f  2  2  4  3      6      8 FALSE  TRUE
    4        2      f  3  1 NA  3      7     10 FALSE  TRUE
    5        1      m  4  5  2  4     85    125  TRUE FALSE
    6        2      m  5  4  5  5    104    154  TRUE FALSE
    7        1      m  5  3  4  4    103    153  TRUE FALSE
    8        2      m  4  5  5  5     85    125  TRUE FALSE



    • NULL값을 이용하여 guys와 gals변수를 삭제.
    R Programming
    withmooc$gals <- withmooc$guys <- NULL


      workshop gender q1 q2 q3 q4 score1 score2
    1        1      f  1  1  5  1      3      4
    2        2      f  2  1  4  1      5      7
    3        1      f  2  2  4  3      6      8
    4        2      f  3  1 NA  3      7     10
    5        1      m  4  5  2  4     85    125
    6        2      m  5  4  5  5    104    154
    7        1      m  5  3  4  4    103    153
    8        2      m  4  5  5  5     85    125



    R Programming


    5. R - Tidyverse


    R Programming
    from rpy2.robjects import r
    %load_ext rpy2.ipython


    The rpy2.ipython extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
      %reload_ext rpy2.ipython



    R Programming
    withmooc = mydata
    attach(withmooc) # mydata를 기본 데이터 세트로 지정.


    R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from withmooc (pos = 3):
        gender, q1, q2, q3, q4, workshop
    R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from withmooc (pos = 4):
        gender, q1, q2, q3, q4, workshop
    R[write to console]: The following objects are masked from withmooc (pos = 5):
        gender, q1, q2, q3, q4, workshop
      workshop gender q1 q2 q3 q4
    1        1      f  1  1  5  1
    2        2      f  2  1  4  1
    3        1      f  2  2  4  3
    4        2      f  3  1 NA  3
    5        1      m  4  5  2  4
    6        2      m  5  4  5  5
    7        1      m  5  3  4  4
    8        2      m  4  5  5  5



    • mydata에 두개의 새로운 칼럼을 추가하기 위하여 column bind를 이용.
    R Programming
    withmooc <- withmooc %>%
      mutate(score1 = 0,
             score2 = 0,
             guys   = (gender=="m"),  # 남성에 대하여 논리 벡터 생성.
             gals   = (gender=="f")   # 여성에 대하여 논리 벡터 생성.


      workshop gender q1 q2 q3 q4 score1 score2  guys  gals
    1        1      f  1  1  5  1      0      0 FALSE  TRUE
    2        2      f  2  1  4  1      0      0 FALSE  TRUE
    3        1      f  2  2  4  3      0      0 FALSE  TRUE
    4        2      f  3  1 NA  3      0      0 FALSE  TRUE
    5        1      m  4  5  2  4      0      0  TRUE FALSE
    6        2      m  5  4  5  5      0      0  TRUE FALSE
    7        1      m  5  3  4  4      0      0  TRUE FALSE
    8        2      m  4  5  5  5      0      0  TRUE FALSE



    • IFELSE함수를 사용하여 위 로직 적용.
    R Programming
    withmooc<- withmooc %>%
      mutate(score1 = ifelse( gals ,(2*q1*gals + q2*gals),(20*q1*guys + q2*guys)),
             score2 = ifelse( gals ,(3*q1*gals + q2*gals),(30*q1*guys + q2*guys)))


      workshop gender q1 q2 q3 q4 score1 score2  guys  gals
    1        1      f  1  1  5  1      3      4 FALSE  TRUE
    2        2      f  2  1  4  1      5      7 FALSE  TRUE
    3        1      f  2  2  4  3      6      8 FALSE  TRUE
    4        2      f  3  1 NA  3      7     10 FALSE  TRUE
    5        1      m  4  5  2  4     85    125  TRUE FALSE
    6        2      m  5  4  5  5    104    154  TRUE FALSE
    7        1      m  5  3  4  4    103    153  TRUE FALSE
    8        2      m  4  5  5  5     85    125  TRUE FALSE



    • Select 구문을 이용하여 guys와 gals변수를 삭제.
    R Programming
    withmooc <- withmooc %>%


      workshop gender q1 q2 q3 q4 score1 score2
    1        1      f  1  1  5  1      3      4
    2        2      f  2  1  4  1      5      7
    3        1      f  2  2  4  3      6      8
    4        2      f  3  1 NA  3      7     10
    5        1      m  4  5  2  4     85    125
    6        2      m  5  4  5  5    104    154
    7        1      m  5  3  4  4    103    153
    8        2      m  4  5  5  5     85    125


    6. Python - Pandas


    Python Programming
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import sweetviz as sv
    mydata   = pd.read_csv("C:/work/data/mydata.csv",sep=",",
                                  'q1':int, 'q2':int, 'q3':float, 'q4':int},
                           na_values=['NaN'],skipinitialspace =True)
    mydata =mydata.drop('id',axis=1)
    withmooc= mydata.copy()


    	workshop	gender	q1	q2	q3	q4
    0	1		f	1	1	5.0	1
    1	2		f	2	1	4.0	1
    2	1		f	2	2	4.0	3
    3	2		f	3	1	NaN	3
    4	1		m	4	5	2.0	4
    5	2		m	5	4	5.0	5
    6	1		m	5	3	4.0	4
    7	2		m	4	5	5.0	5
    • mydata에 두개의 새로운 칼럼을 추가하기 위하여 column bind를 이용.
    Python Programming
    withmooc= mydata.copy()
    withmooc['score1'] = 0
    withmooc['score2'] = 0
    withmooc['guys'] = withmooc['gender'] =="m" # 남성에 대하여 논리 벡터 생성.
    withmooc['gals'] = withmooc['gender'] =="f" # 여성에 대하여 논리 벡터 생성.


    	workshop	gender	q1	q2	q3	q4	score1	score2	guys	gals
    0	1		f	1	1	5.0	1	0	0	False	True
    1	2		f	2	1	4.0	1	0	0	False	True
    2	1		f	2	2	4.0	3	0	0	False	True
    3	2		f	3	1	NaN	3	0	0	False	True
    4	1		m	4	5	2.0	4	0	0	True	False
    5	2		m	5	4	5.0	5	0	0	True	False
    6	1		m	5	3	4.0	4	0	0	True	False
    7	2		m	4	5	5.0	5	0	0	True	False
    • 로직에 의해 선택된 그룹에 기본 공식 적용.
    Python Programming
    withmooc= mydata.copy()
    withmooc['score1'] = 0
    withmooc['score2'] = 0
    withmooc['guys'] = withmooc['gender'] =="m" # 남성에 대하여 논리 벡터 생성.
    withmooc['gals'] = withmooc['gender'] =="f" # 여성에 대하여 논리 벡터 생성.


    	workshop	gender	q1	q2	q3	q4	score1	score2	guys	gals
    0	1		f	1	1	5.0	1	0	0	False	True
    1	2		f	2	1	4.0	1	0	0	False	True
    2	1		f	2	2	4.0	3	0	0	False	True
    3	2		f	3	1	NaN	3	0	0	False	True
    4	1		m	4	5	2.0	4	0	0	True	False
    5	2		m	5	4	5.0	5	0	0	True	False
    6	1		m	5	3	4.0	4	0	0	True	False
    7	2		m	4	5	5.0	5	0	0	True	False



    Python Programming
    withmooc.loc[ withmooc['gals'] == True , 'score1']=  ( 2*withmooc['q1']*withmooc['gals'] + withmooc['q2']*withmooc['gals'])
    withmooc.loc[ withmooc['gals'] == False, 'score1']=  (20*withmooc['q1']*withmooc['guys'] + withmooc['q2']*withmooc['guys'])
    withmooc.loc[ withmooc['gals'] == True , 'score2']=  ( 3*withmooc['q1']*withmooc['gals'] + withmooc['q2']*withmooc['gals'])
    withmooc.loc[ withmooc['gals'] == False, 'score2']=  (30*withmooc['q1']*withmooc['guys'] + withmooc['q2']*withmooc['guys'])


    	workshop	gender	q1	q2	q3	q4	score1	score2	guys	gals
    0	1		f	1	1	5.0	1	3	4	False	True
    1	2		f	2	1	4.0	1	5	7	False	True
    2	1		f	2	2	4.0	3	6	8	False	True
    3	2		f	3	1	NaN	3	7	10	False	True
    4	1		m	4	5	2.0	4	85	125	True	False
    5	2		m	5	4	5.0	5	104	154	True	False
    6	1		m	5	3	4.0	4	103	153	True	False
    7	2		m	4	5	5.0	5	85	125	True	False
    • np.where 구문을 사용하여 위 로직 적용.
    Python Programming
    withmooc['score1'] = np.where(withmooc['gals'],  2*withmooc['q1']*withmooc['gals'] + withmooc['q2']*withmooc['gals'] , 
                                                    20*withmooc['q1']*withmooc['guys'] + withmooc['q2']*withmooc['guys'])
    withmooc['score2'] = np.where(withmooc['gals'],  3*withmooc['q1']*withmooc['gals'] + withmooc['q2']*withmooc['gals'] , 
                                                    30*withmooc['q1']*withmooc['guys'] + withmooc['q2']*withmooc['guys'])


    	workshop	gender	q1	q2	q3	q4	score1	score2	guys	gals
    0	1		f	1	1	5.0	1	3	4	False	True
    1	2		f	2	1	4.0	1	5	7	False	True
    2	1		f	2	2	4.0	3	6	8	False	True
    3	2		f	3	1	NaN	3	7	10	False	True
    4	1		m	4	5	2.0	4	85	125	True	False
    5	2		m	5	4	5.0	5	104	154	True	False
    6	1		m	5	3	4.0	4	103	153	True	False
    7	2		m	4	5	5.0	5	85	125	True	False
    • del구문을 이용하여 guys와 gals변수를 삭제.
    Python Programming
    del withmooc['guys']
    del withmooc['gals']


    	workshop	gender	q1	q2	q3	q4	score1	score2
    0	1		f	1	1	5.0	1	3	4
    1	2		f	2	1	4.0	1	5	7
    2	1		f	2	2	4.0	3	6	8
    3	2		f	3	1	NaN	3	7	10
    4	1		m	4	5	2.0	4	85	125
    5	2		m	5	4	5.0	5	104	154
    6	1		m	5	3	4.0	4	103	153
    7	2		m	4	5	5.0	5	85	125
    • pop구문을 이용하여 guys와 gals변수를 삭제.
    Python Programming
    # 확인을 위하여 변수 재 생성
    withmooc['guys'] = withmooc['gender'] =="m" # 남성에 대하여 논리 벡터 생성.
    withmooc['gals'] = withmooc['gender'] =="f" # 여성에 대하여 논리 벡터 생성.
    mydata_guys =  withmooc.pop('guys') # 삭제된 데이터를 별도로 반환하여 저장 가능
    # mydata1.pop('guys')
    mydata_gals =  withmooc.pop('gals') # 삭제된 데이터를 별도로 반환하여 저장 가능
    # mydata1.pop('gals') 


    0    False
    1    False
    2    False
    3    False
    4     True
    5     True
    6     True
    7     True
    Name: guys, dtype: bool
    0     True
    1     True
    2     True
    3     True
    4    False
    5    False
    6    False
    7    False
    Name: gals, dtype: bool


    	workshop	gender	q1	q2	q3	q4	score1	score2
    0	1		f	1	1	5.0	1	3	4
    1	2		f	2	1	4.0	1	5	7
    2	1		f	2	2	4.0	3	6	8
    3	2		f	3	1	NaN	3	7	10
    4	1		m	4	5	2.0	4	85	125
    5	2		m	5	4	5.0	5	104	154
    6	1		m	5	3	4.0	4	103	153
    7	2		m	4	5	5.0	5	85	125
    • Drop 구문
    Python Programming
    # 확인을 위하여 변수 재 생성
    withmooc['guys'] = withmooc['gender'] =="m" # 남성에 대하여 논리 벡터 생성.
    withmooc['gals'] = withmooc['gender'] =="f" # 여성에 대하여 논리 벡터 생성.
    # withmooc.drop(['guys','gals'], axis='columns', inplace=True)
    withmooc = withmooc.drop(['guys','gals'], axis=1)


    	workshop	gender	q1	q2	q3	q4	score1	score2
    0	1		f	1	1	5.0	1	3	4
    1	2		f	2	1	4.0	1	5	7
    2	1		f	2	2	4.0	3	6	8
    3	2		f	3	1	NaN	3	7	10
    4	1		m	4	5	2.0	4	85	125
    5	2		m	5	4	5.0	5	104	154
    6	1		m	5	3	4.0	4	103	153
    7	2		m	4	5	5.0	5	85	125
    • 열 번호 지정하여 drop 사용하기
    Python Programming
    # 확인을 위하여 변수 재 생성
    withmooc['guys'] = withmooc['gender'] =="m" # 남성에 대하여 논리 벡터 생성.
    withmooc['gals'] = withmooc['gender'] =="f" # 여성에 대하여 논리 벡터 생성.
    withmooc.drop(withmooc.columns[[8, 9]], axis='columns', inplace=True)


    	workshop	gender	q1	q2	q3	q4	score1	score2
    0	1		f	1	1	5.0	1	3	4
    1	2		f	2	1	4.0	1	5	7
    2	1		f	2	2	4.0	3	6	8
    3	2		f	3	1	NaN	3	7	10
    4	1		m	4	5	2.0	4	85	125
    5	2		m	5	4	5.0	5	104	154
    6	1		m	5	3	4.0	4	103	153
    7	2		m	4	5	5.0	5	85	125


    7. Python - dfply


    Python Programming
    import pandas as pd
    from dfply import *
    mydata   = pd.read_csv("c:/work/data/mydata.csv",sep=",",
                                                       'q1':int, 'q2':int, 'q3':float, 'q4':int},
                                                na_values=['NaN'],skipinitialspace =True)
    mydata =mydata.drop('id',axis=1)
    withmooc= mydata.copy()
    # 모든 변수 선택하기.


    	workshop	gender	q1	q2	q3	q4
    0	1		f	1	1	5.0	1
    1	2		f	2	1	4.0	1
    2	1		f	2	2	4.0	3
    3	2		f	3	1	NaN	3
    4	1		m	4	5	2.0	4
    5	2		m	5	4	5.0	5
    6	1		m	5	3	4.0	4
    7	2		m	4	5	5.0	5

    • mydata에 두개의 새로운 칼럼을 추가하기 위하여 column bind를 이용.
    Python Programming
    withmooc = withmooc >> \
      mutate(guys=make_symbolic(np.where)(X.gender == "m", True,False), \
             gals=make_symbolic(np.where)(X.gender == "f", True,False) ) >> \
      mutate(score1 = make_symbolic(np.where)(X.gals, (2*X.q1*X.gals + X.q2*X.gals) ,(20*X.q1*X.guys + X.q2*X.guys)), \
             score2 = make_symbolic(np.where)(X.gals, (3*X.q1*X.gals + X.q2*X.gals) ,(30*X.q1*X.guys + X.q2*X.guys))  \


    	workshop	gender	q1	q2	q3	q4	guys	gals	score1	score2
    0	1		f	1	1	5.0	1	False	True	3	4
    1	2		f	2	1	4.0	1	False	True	5	7
    2	1		f	2	2	4.0	3	False	True	6	8
    3	2		f	3	1	NaN	3	False	True	7	10
    4	1		m	4	5	2.0	4	True	False	85	125
    5	2		m	5	4	5.0	5	True	False	104	154
    6	1		m	5	3	4.0	4	True	False	103	153
    7	2		m	4	5	5.0	5	True	False	85	125


    Python Programming
    withmooc >> \
        select(~ X.guys,~ X.gals)


    	workshop	gender	q1	q2	q3	q4	score1	score2
    0	1		f	1	1	5.0	1	3	4
    1	2		f	2	1	4.0	1	5	7
    2	1		f	2	2	4.0	3	6	8
    3	2		f	3	1	NaN	3	7	10
    4	1		m	4	5	2.0	4	85	125
    5	2		m	5	4	5.0	5	104	154
    6	1		m	5	3	4.0	4	103	153
    7	2		m	4	5	5.0	5	85	125

    • Drop() 함수를 사용하여서 변수 삭제
    Python Programming
    withmooc >> \
      mutate(guys = 0,gals = 0) >> \
      drop([X.guys, X.gals])


    	workshop	gender	q1	q2	q3	q4	score1	score2
    0	1		f	1	1	5.0	1	3	4
    1	2		f	2	1	4.0	1	5	7
    2	1		f	2	2	4.0	3	6	8
    3	2		f	3	1	NaN	3	7	10
    4	1		m	4	5	2.0	4	85	125
    5	2		m	5	4	5.0	5	104	154
    6	1		m	5	3	4.0	4	103	153
    7	2		m	4	5	5.0	5	85	125




    통계프로그램 비교 목록(Proc sql, SAS, SPSS, R 프로그래밍, R Tidyverse, Python Pandas, Python Dfply)
    [Oracle, Pandas, R Prog, Dplyr, Sqldf, Pandasql, Data.Table] 오라클 함수와 R & Python 비교 사전 목록 링크
    [SQL, Pandas, R Prog, Dplyr, SQLDF, PANDASQL, DATA.TABLE]
    SQL EMP 예제로 만나는 테이블 데이터 처리 방법 리스트 링크
