포스팅 목차
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
* We wish you a Merry Christmas;
SAS Programming |
%let whole = 750 ; *whole note in milliseconds ;
data _null_ ;
retain ns 'CnC#DnD#EnFnF#GnG#AnA#Bn'
nf 'CnDbDnEbEnFnGbGnAbAnBbBn';
infile cards dlm = '|' dsd ;
input ont: $10. @@ ;
nt = put (substr (ont,2), $2.) ;
md = put (scan (ont,2), $4.) ;
n = 12 * input (ont, 1.) - 8.5 + (find (ns,nt) <> find (nf,nt)) / 2 ;
f = 27.5 * 2 ** ((n - 1) / 12) ;
call sound (f, &whole * (1 + ^^ findc (md,'.') / 2) / input (md, 3.)) ;
cards ;
4Dn 4|4Gn 4|4Gn 8|4An 8|4Gn 8|4F# 8|4En 4|4Cn 4|4En 4|4An 4|4An 8|4Bn 8
4An 8|4Gn 8|4F# 4|4Dn 4|4F# 4|4Bn 4|4Bn 8|5Cn 8|4Bn 8|4An 8|4Gn 4|4En 4
4Dn 8|4Dn 8|4En 4|4An 4|4F# 4|4Gn 2|4Dn 4|4Gn 4|4Gn 4|4Gn 4|4F# 2|4F# 4
4Gn 4|4F# 4|4En 4|4Dn 2|4An 4|4Bn 4|4An 8|4An 8|4Gn 8|4Gn 8|5Dn 4|4Dn 4
4Dn 8|4Dn 8|4En 4|4An 4|4F# 4|4Gn 2
4Dn 4|4Gn 4|4Gn 8|4An 8|4Gn 8|4F# 8|4En 4|4Cn 4|4En 4|4An 4|4An 8|4Bn 8
4An 8|4Gn 8|4F# 4|4Dn 4|4F# 4|4Bn 4|4Bn 8|5Cn 8|4Bn 8|4An 8|4Gn 4|4En 4
4Dn 8|4Dn 8|4En 4|4An 4|4F# 4|4Gn 2|4Dn 4|4Gn 4|4Gn 4|4Gn 4|4F# 2|4F# 4
4Gn 4|4F# 4|4En 4|4Dn 2|4An 4|4Bn 4|4An 8|4An 8|4Gn 8|4Gn 8|5Dn 4|4Dn 4
4Dn 8|4Dn 8|4En 4|4An 4|4F# 4|4Gn 2
run ;
* 기쁘다 구주 오셨네;
SAS Programming |
data holidays;
retain fmtname '@$holiday';
length data $3;
ratio = 1.05946309436;
str1 ='A A#B C C#D D#E F F#G G#';
str2='A BbCbB#DbD EbFbE#GbG Ab';
o = 1;
do i = 0 to 87;
p = 55 * ratio**i;
data = compress(substr(str1,mod(i,12)*2+1,2)||o);
if data^=compress(substr(str2,mod(i,12)*2+1,2)||o) then do;
data = compress(substr(str2,mod(i,12)*2+1,2)||o);
if mod(i,12)=2 then o=o+1;
rename data=start p=label;
keep fmtname data p;
proc format cntlin=holidays; run;
%macro play(input);
data _Null_;
%let i=1;
%do %while(%scan(&input,&i,%str( ))^=);
%let note = %scan(&input,&i,%str( ));
%let pitch = %upcase(%scan(¬e,1,=));
%let duration = %scan(¬e,2,=);
%let i = %eval(&i+1);
%if &pitch=R %then
call sleep((1/&duration)*750);
call sound(input("&pitch",$holiday.),(1/&duration)*300);
C6=1 B5=1.5 A5=6 G5=1 R=2 F5=2 E5=1 D5=1 C5=1
R=2 G5=2 A5=1 R=2 A5=2 B5=1 R=2 B5=2 C6=.33
C6=2 C6=2 B5=2 A5=2 G5=2 G5=1.5 F5=4 E5=2
C6=2 C6=2 B5=2 A5=2 G5=2 G5=1.5 F5=4 E5=2 E5=2
E5=2 E5=2 E5=2 E5=4 F5=4 G5=1 R=4 F5=4 E5=4
D5=2 D5=2 D5=2 D5=4 E5=4 F5=1 R=4 E5=4 D5=4
C5=2 C6=1 A5=2 G5=1.5 F5=6 E5=2 F5=2 E5=1 D5=1 C5=1
* 크리스마스 트리 프로그램 :
SAS Programming |
proc iml;
/* define helper functions ROW and COL */
start row(x); /* return matrix m such that m[i,j] = i */
return( repeat( T(1:nrow(x)), 1, ncol(x) ));
start col(x); /* return matrix m such that m[i,j] = j */
return( repeat(1:ncol(x), nrow(x)) );
/* parameters for the tree dimensions */
h = 100; w = h+1; b = int(h/10);
M = j(w, h, .); /* initialize h x w matrix to missing */
x = col(M); /* column numbers */
y = w + 1 - row(M); /* reverse Y axis */
/* define the leafy portion of the tree */
TreeIdx = loc(y>b & y<=2*x & y<=-2*x+2*h); /* a triangle */
M[TreeIdx] = 0;
/* place lights randomly within tree */
N = int(0.12*ncol(TreeIdx)); /* use 12% of tree area */
call randseed(1225);
do i = 1 to 3; /* 3 colors */
idx = sample(TreeIdx, N, "WOR"); /* sample without replacement */
M[idx] = i;
/* define the trunk */
width = int(b/2);
TrunkIdx = loc( y<= b & abs(x-nrow(M)/2)<width );
M[TrunkIdx] = 4;
/* write matrix in "long form" to SAS data set */
Row = row(M); /* row index */
Col = col(M); /* col index */
create Tree var {"Row" "Col" "M"}; append; close Tree;
proc template;
define statgraph HeatmapTree;
dynamic _X _Y _Z;
discreteattrmap name="christmastree";
value '.' / fillattrs=(color=WHITE); /* background color */
value '0' / fillattrs=(color=GREEN); /* tree color */
value '1' / fillattrs=(color=RED); /* ornament color 1 */
value '2' / fillattrs=(color=BLUE); /* ornament color 2 */
value '3' / fillattrs=(color=YELLOW); /* ornament color 3 */
value '4' / fillattrs=(color=BROWN); /* tree trunk color */
discreteattrvar attrvar=Alias var=_Z attrmap="christmastree";
layout overlay / xaxisopts=(type=discrete display=none)
yaxisopts=(type=discrete display=none reverse=true);
heatmapparm x=_X y=_Y colorgroup=Alias /
xbinaxis=false ybinaxis=false primary=true;
ods graphics / width=500 height=800;
proc sgrender data=Tree template=HeatmapTree;
dynamic _X="Col" _Y="Row" _Z="M";
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